Finding the Light
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Thursday, January 5, 2017 at 07:44PM

"You have to find what sparks a light
in you so that you
in your own way,
can illuminate the whole world."
- Oprah Winfrey
lighthouse |

Reader Comments (8)
This is so beautiful Cheryl! The blue green water color is amazing.
Well, you know what sparks my light!
It's right up theyah!
Happy belated B-day to Jim!
And an early one to you!
Ah, ain't nothing like January babies!
We ended up staying home on the 4th, but made up for it yesterday!!
Happy New Year AGAIN!
xox A xox
Peaceful picture, insightful quote... all in harmony... Sweet and healthy year to you and family Cheryl!
What a beautiful image this is, Cheryl.
I just love lighthouses.
So pretty! Where was that taken?
Liz that was taken on Winter Island in Salem, Mass...
Ah a love of mine. Lighthouses have so many stories to tell. There they stand braving the elements keeping sailors safe year after year.
Once again I come to thank you for your visits and your comments...Photography is such a gift to all of us who use it for our creativness and memory book.. As we move into 2017... keep shooting and creating so that the important memories stay with us forever.