My Buddy and Me

It's a rare day when I get to spend any time alone with Jaxson. I was looking back at my blog post over the years as I continue to make hard copies of them, and now books for the boys this Christmas, shhh, don't tell them, what I discovered and should have known, was that there is defiantly a second child syndrome. It doesn't happen because you love one more than the other because it would be impossible for me to love Jaxson anymore than I do, it happens because of circumstances. The time and space now needs to be shared with two and the second child simple doesn't get as much personal attention or alone time with family members. It's just the way life is.
After seeing that reflected in my blog post, going forward, I will be much more aware of time spent with Jaxson but also, with time posted in the blog space. There have been times when we have shared precious time together and because I let life get in the way, I failed to post as often. Jaxson has made his way over on my Facebook page...he has a huge following there. As a matter of fact, I get more likes and comment when a story about Jaxson goes up than I do about any of my other posts. He deserves equal space here also. He is so smart and entertaining. He is happy and makes those of us around him happy to. He's growing fast now...and he's just learned how to whistle so I see the big boy trying to emerge as me and his Mom try to keep him small. He is not going to let that happen. One on one with him though offers such great moments, memories and oh my gosh, he is so loving with his kisses and hugs..So keeping with those thoughts in hopefully, will be seeing a lot more of Jaxson over here on the blog. We have a lot of catching up to do before he moves on in a year or two. I don't want the boys to have lopsided books.
Having said that, a few weeks ago, I picked Jaxson up at school and we had a few hours before getting Liam. Instead of going home I took him to a place both him and Liam love. The Peabody Essex Museum in Salem. We go there often when the weather is not nice enough to be outside. A few weeks before our visit, they had just opened up the new Moon room. Jaxson loved listening to a video of how the moon works with the planets and stars and he was fascinated by it..and of course the head phones were a really big deal. Why do kids love wearing head phones so much. Also in this room you could touch the moon at another display. Can you imagine... you just close your eyes, which we did, and we touched the moon. It really did feel just like Swiss cheese...and then he was off. He never walks, he tells me it's the fast sneakers.
Don't even ask me. I have no idea what this thing is or does...well, I know when you plug it in just right, it lights up. So let's just say, while he was busy with this project, I just stepped back, took a photo of what it was and hopefully Santa will bring it for Christmas.
We didn't have a lot of time but Jaxson told me right when we got to the Museum that we had to save time for the gift shop. A fabulous place for little ones to shop on their own. So after a giant cookie and a juice box we headed to the shop. He got a Moon puzzle for Liam and a Moon for himself. Then it was time to leave and go pick up Liam at school.
It was a lovely few hours with Jaxson. I hope he understands how much it meant to me to be just with him. In those moments, as he played and skipped and felt the connection to the museum and to just us, I hope he also had fun being just with me. The museum was lovely and fun but honestly, the best part, the part that I hope sticks with him later, was really the conversation in the car, coming and going. Holding hands and skipping as we walked through the plaza to get to the museum...and more conversation about how much I loved that we got to spend this time let him know that he is not number two or second child but that he is always and will forever be, my best number one Buddy...and time-spent with him is like finding a shiny penny on the ground and knowing that its's a good luck day. The hugs I got as I lifted him out of the car when we got home, were the perfect ending to time spent with you Buddy.
So going forward we made a pack to go out by ourselves some days...and of course I have that same pack with Liam now...I'm soaking it up for as long as it last.
Life is about adventures and time-spent with those you love...don't let it slip by while your waiting for something better to come along...because soon that window will be gone.