Happy Birthday Papa

First thing this morning Facetime rings...it's Jaxson..."Happy Birthday Papa " so that sets the tone for the day..Jaxson and Papa have a date today, just the two of them. Liam and Papa had their day yesterday...and all they have to do is call and Papa is putty in their hands.
I could write all kinds of wonderful things about Jim here for his birthday...we've been together a very long time but what I see now as the big love of his life is these two little guys, who think the sun shines and the moon rises because of this most generous man. He is the keeper of all their batteries, for all there toys. He is their number one fix it man. When there is a problem of any kind, they call Papa and guess what, Papa always has the answer. He plays and builds with them. He swims and walks in the park with them. They check out bugs, spiders and all kinds of creepy crawlies that give me the willies. In truth, they are best buddies...
Sometimes though they get in trouble..They are not suppose to go to McDonalds but sometimes he takes them...so they can get the latest toy in the Happy Meal box. Sometimes they stay down in the workshop so long they are late for getting to where they need to be...but nothing is cooler than building in the workshop with Papa. They even gave Papa a new apron for the workshop for Christmas this year. The other thing that Papa lets them do is each week after swimming he lets them get real junk food from the vending machine..I think that's part of the reason they go to swim..it's all good though in the end.
The best part though for Papa is to get kisses and I love you's..everytime they are here. Jaxson declares him "the best"...and Liam is his best game buddy. He has walked with them since their first steps, he still carries Jaxson in the house when he falls asleep in the car. They have ridden on his shoulder countless times and they have driven his boat better than him and he lets them.. He is strong for them, teaching them all the lessons little boys need to know as they grow. He's already taught them how to shave...LOL It's a wonderful relationship that these three have.
So onward Papa, for another year. Where you walk they will follow, what you do they will copy. What you teach them they will believe. Wishing you a very happy birthday today...and I hope Jaxson isn't beating the pants off you at the Castle...Papa your the very best...the boys told me so...
This little quote discribes you perfectly:
"Grandpa has ears that truly listen, arms that always hold, love that’s never ending and a heart that’s made of gold."

Reader Comments (10)
He is a gift, Cheryl! Happy Birthday to Jim!
Thank you Susan...he will be with me on the 25th...my chauffeur.
What a beautiful post, Cheryl.
Happy Birthday to Jim!!!
Lovely testimony to an amazing man. Your description touched my heart.
Happy Birthday Jim! This melts my heart, Cheryl!!
How blessed they all are to have one another! Happy (belated) birthday to "Papa," with wishes for many more!
Another year older and still hanging in...thanka everyone...Jim says Hi...
There is nothing better than the love of a grandchild. The fact that your husband takes time with them is so wonderful!
Of course this touches me extra specially, because I've met your loving Jim,
and selfishly, because we have birthdays back to back!
Such a precious capture, my dear Cheryl.
LOVE the b&w . . .
Love you for all you share and how you celebrate family and life.
and now that I've stopped crying, from the warmth and beauty of your words and post,
can I tell you how I really feel about this amazing union your grandchildren have with BOTH you and Jim?
Never mind . . . you already know . . . I still live my dream of grandparenting through you, since my precious darlings are too far away.
But when we do facetime, as we did on the 4th, their little expressions just melt me . . . as I hold back the tears. They all just returned from Harry Potter World with their wands and other souvenirs . . . and I just wished they could use their wands to suddenly appear in my arms . . . ah, now I'm crying again! xoxoxoxo