Boston With The Boys

It's a rare event these days to get a sleep-over with the boys..They are so busy with their sports and school and the fact that their Mom doesn't want to give them up so easily anymore...can you imagine that, so when they had a Saturday free lately, after asking a million times for a sleep-over, we planned it. One of our favorite things to do with the boys every spring has been to take them to Boston to the Public Gardens and the Common. We factored that into our plan. Also, a month of so back we had taken Liam out to dinner in town but Jaxson had not been there so after our adventures in the parks we would go to dinner at our special spot. Part of our strategy was that with all that walking and playing, they would be pretty tired when they got off we went.
If was a lovely day weather wise and we were grateful for that. The boys were in shorts so we knew it was really a rare New Enland spring day...we parked the car. Actually we got lucky on that because the walk to the Gardens was very close by.
Along the way I had to stop and take a few photo's...It's in my DNA and the boys are very good about waiting for me and if not, they just keep going and I catch up. There is just to many things to see in the spring with flowers popping up and great reflections. This was on Newbury St., a really lovely street for flower gardens and potted plants.
A Saturday in the Gardens or Commons creates the best people watching. This was a wonderful day for taking a bike ride or just strolling hurry.
Lots of trees were blooming and the kids were enjoying the view through the limbs...Such a happy feel here after a long muddy spring...
Not to be outdone by the other boys, it wasn't long before mine decided to give a tree a try. Liam was like a monkey going from branch to branch but Jaxson needed a lift every once in awhile...They sure had fun though.
I'm hoping his Mom doesn't read this blog post because she might have a heart attack...LOL. Yes, Monkey Joe extended his trip up the tree. I was right under him and when it was time to come down...I was there to help him guide his feet but he did perfectly well on his own...This one is full of adventure and not an ounce of fear...
Papa was rigth there keeping an eye on the boys went from tree to tree, checking them all out. So many people spreading blankets and having Saturday afternoon picnic's, babies in carriages, happy to just be outside. The grass was really thick and a nice shade of green..I guess the rain is good for some things.
Help Papa, I'm stuck. He didn't give up though...he made it and he was so proud of himself.
Late afternoon, the sun is going down, and the clouds are starting to fill in. It was time for us to start out. We had a long walk up Newbury St. to get to our dinner spot. I just love looking at the Boston skyline though from wherever I am and then capture it with my camera..
As I came out of the Gardens, the duck boat was going by. I thought it was great that this one was honoring Dublin. All the boats are different in color and message.
Back up Newbury St. What little boy can resist walking on the wall and jumping off of each one. Not this little guy...he is constant motion and so much fun to take anywhere...boys just being boys. Liam was up ahead with Papa and I'm sure they were enjoying great converstation...
We ended our day in Boston at Trident Book Sellers and Cafe, but not before we stopped at Campers Shoes, where both of the boys picked out a new pair of snazzy shoes...If you look closely you can see Jaxson got new red ones...he is a bit flashy..So if you have never been to Trident and you love great comfort food and books, the next time your in Boston do give this a try. The boys love sitting in the second floor window, reading books, yes, they let you read while you eat...and both declared the chicken fingers and fries were the best ever...along with a delicious mango smoothie...
Two things, the day with them was wonderful. No running to games or swim lessons. No agenda, no clock. It was a day we all needed. To be out in the sunshine, all of us doing what we love...some climbing trees, me with my camera and Jim just loving being with the boys.. Number two, the day wasn't over, we got to take the boys home with us for the night. Our first sleep over in a very long time. Liam was in his own bed here for the first time and Jaxson and I were still snuggling in the big bed. A busy day but one that i am so happy I have for my memory book...
Guess what: they did not fall alseep on the way home...does that mean they are really growing up???
When did it happen? "It was a long time ago."
Where did it happen? "It was far away."
No, tell. Where did it happen? "In my heart."
What is your heart doing now? "Remembering. Remembering."
Mary Oliver