The Sun Sets On Four

Dear Jaxson, here we are again. It seems like yesterday that I wrote about you turning four and now we are saying goodbye to four and welcoming five. I'm not really sure if the time is going by faster because your growing up so quickly now or because I turned the dreaded seventy this year and that is pushing us forward quicker. Either way, I am here again to thank you for such a great year. Every year with you is so special and because of that, I want you to remember our times together when you are a big, big boy and so I write for you and include photo's from each year of all the awesome things you have done. You know I do the same for Liam...because I don't want either of you to forget, as you travel through life, to have lots of fun and to keep trying new things. That's how you grow in love...with people, projects and things. Don't forget Mother Nature either. Right now you are really good at taking care of her and she really needs lots of help, so keep Mother Nature on your list of things to take care of. So my sweet boy, lets have a little look back at what we did together when you were four.
How can we go forward without looking back...this was such a big day for you and you love the smoke coming from your birthday cake. You blew all the candles out at once...Great job. I couldn't do that this year at my birthday. So many candles would probably set the house on fire...great job Jaxson.
This was your gift from Nana and Papa so you could have a bike at our house. It certainly did not take you long to learn how to go fast on this. Actually, you like to go fast everywhere. Cool helmet you picked out.
Your first year driving the big boat in Maine. This was really a special day and yes, once again you wanted to go fast. It was such a fun summer at the Maine house with you and Liam. Papa and I had lots of fun and were glad you could come so often.
Some photo's don't really need words. You just look at it and know you want to remember that photo forever. This is one of those photo's of you Jaxson . It just melts my heart. You are so sweet and handsome. Maybe because you are mostly smiling and laughing and in this shot you are sharing your sweet spot.
When we weren't at the Maine house in the summer, we were at Gooserocks beach in Kennebunkport. It's one of our favorite beaches and you and Liam love early morning kite flying with Mom.. Shh, everyone is still sleeping.
After summer and so many trips to the beach and lots of boat rides, making smores at the campfire at the Maine house, it was time for Fall. Canobie Lake Park is where we go every September and this year, another first for you, driving the bumper cars. It was a bit tricky for you to learn to turn the wheel but once you got it, yup, off you went, really fast. Go Jaxson. Catch up to Liam if you can.
So many things happened in the Fall. In October we rented a trailer at Point Sebago in Maine and that was such a fun long weekend, that we decided that this year we would rent one for a whole week in the summer. You did really good at the campfire this year. Remember last year, you put a burn in Liam's jacket...whoa.
Also in the fall we went to the Audubon and you and Liam practiced your camera skills. It makes me so happy that you both love being in the woods and always want to bring your camera's. You got your first very own camera this year and you got some really good shots..don't worry about the people with no heads, that will come next year.
I would say by the looks of these last two photo's that Nana has something out of order. I think this one belongs in the late summer, early fall group. Can you guess why, Right...we don't have coats on. It sure was a fun day at the Audubon. I learned how to lean my camera on the rock and it took a photo all by itself.
So, lots of new lessons for you last fall...You are now doing karate, which you love.
How proud were you when you got your award for breaking that wood in half with your foot...Nice job Buddy. How to be a great Crouching Tiger Cub.
You played soccer for your second year and now your really good at it. So nice that Mom was your coach.
Then Thanksgiving and Christmas came..and we went to the Tea House to see Mrs. Clause. I loved that day best. Liam and you, then Mom came home early from work and met us there. Both you and Liam are the best tea buddies. When we are home we have it everyday together. You both were pretty excited about the holiday season. I got excited because you were excited and that's one of the things that so nice about having you and Liam in my keep me excited each time I know I'm going to be with you or even just running over to your house for a hug, a kiss and a high five.
Remember these...your favorite Christmas present from this year. You march to your own beat when it comes to dressing and I must say, you have very good taste. A bit on the wild side but that's how you roll. I like that about have a mind of your own and you stand up for yourself. Don't ever change that and going forward don't lose your ability to be a bit edgy. It makes you who you are and you'll always stand out in a crowd. You know me, I like to sparkle whenever I can, ya, you be the same way. A little bit of sparkle keeps them guessing...
I think our little family really, really loves the ocean because we find it every season, even in the winter. Here we are at another favorite place, St. Maarten. Pinel island is special. Beautful water and great sand and no rip tide or currant. We all feel quite safe here and you love doing your own thing. It's a joy to watch you play, jump and build sand castles...
But one thing you don't like about Pinel Island are the Iguanas. I took your hand and we walked by them and then we knelt down together and you were really surprised when they just walked by. I bet next year you won't be afraid. I have to admit though, they are kind of creepy looking...
You learned how to whistle early in the New Year.. and you whistled all the time...then we had whistling contests in the car. Papa was the loudest, I can do songs and Liam was a bit on the not so good side and just keep whistling...I think you had your own happy tune in your sort of reminded me of my grandfather...he whistled all the time it was nice listening to you.
One cold, wet day in late winter we went to the beach at the Salem Willows with your Geiger counter that you got for Christmas. You found two quarters. You said "you were rich"...I don't know if you were rich but Papa and I think we are pretty rich having such great and Liam are the best.
Of course all winter long Papa and I take you and Liam to swimming lessons...but what a big year it was for you...finally, you jumped off the diving board. I know you were scared but you decided to be brave and you were so proud of yourself. That was a fun ride home as you relived EVERY moment of that dive.
Some days we don't do much. I think it's good to just rest and play sometimes. So you get your John Deere jeep out and go for a ride up and down the road at Nana's. You and Liam play post office and fill the back of your jeep with packages that Liam tapes up with duck tape and then you drop the boxes off at the neighbors houses. You always let Liam drive...but you drive when your friend Parker comes to play. Those are really fun days and you both are so creative.
Before you know it...spring arrives and spring means baseball season...and you are one heck of a baseball player. You hit the ball, run like crazy to first base..not only do you step on the really protect yourself from getting tossed off...and what the heck, while your out there, you might as well do a few karate moves...practice anywhere you can...right Jaxson.
Rounding third and heading for home..go Jaxson, go. I know that look on your face..i see it every time you think you pulled something over on me or Papa or even Mom. You know right here that you are going to make sprinting for you...You give it your best and collect your high fives at home base...way to go.
You only have one more year of pre-school. How can that be. This year you learned how to write your name, and do all kinds of great things. You learned how to pray each day and you learned how to be kind and gentle to the world. I love how much you love everything.
Another thing I love is how you take everything to heart. When you had to shhhish Mom because she was talking during your ceremony, you did it quietly but she got the point. You are a very good listener and most always follow the rules.
Another new sport for you is riding. You and your pony Sneakers go out every Wednesday and you just love it. This makes me happiest because I love horses and riding also...but Nana has a bad knee so I haven't been in awhile. I do like to see you up there though, so proud and learning so fast. You already know how to steer Snickers wherever you want him to go. You know what Snickers loves best about you...he loves the carrots you bring him each time you go.
So this is how I sort of see you now. Riding off into boyhood, away from toddlerhood. My heart fills with gratitude and love for you. I don't think you could ever know how much fun you are. How you fill my days and Papa's day with laughter and knowledge and the wonders of childhood that we had forgot about because your Mommy and Uncle are so grown up now. You though, your just beginning. We had a great year together Buddy. That's what you are, my best Buddy. I just want you to know, one of my most favorite things about this year was our "car seat conversations"...Yes, all those rides in the car and sometimes at Costco...oh my. I learned a know, I think your right. We have so much fun "because we have a lot in common." How did you ever get so smart...when you started out as a little sprout. One more year together before you go off to big boy school. We better keep working on making each other's "heart smile". That's another expression that you taught me and just so you know heart smiles every time you show up on my door step and yell "I'm back"...come on in little one. You are most welcome here...
Happy 5th Birthday Jaxson...Nana loves you to the Moon and Back
You are my Sunshine..
Sidenote: Father's Day weekend: Maine house. Jenna, Jaxson and the big bed. Jenna starts singing "your are my sunshine to Jaxson...he listens for a minute, stops her and says, "Actually Mom that's Nana's song for me"..

Reader Comments (15)
Hi mom, lovely post and I love all the pictures from the last year...thanks for always writing about the boys, so fun to go back and remember all the fun times! Love you.
Lovely tribute to the past year! Lots of exciting times and memories!
Happy Birthday to Jaxson! I have a feeling he'll create just as many wonderful moments at age 5!
Thank you Jenna...and again, thank you sharing these special guys with Dad and Me...we are blessed in our little family...xoxoxo
Terri, thank you so much..Your probably right. I'm sure next year will also be fun. I've got to make the most of the last year of having him to myself for a few hours every week. Then he moves on to Kindergarten and school friends...
Cheryl, what can I say, wow your writing blows me away. Tears in my eyes over here what a lovely sweet boy in fact boys you have Liam is such a sweetheart too
So heartwarming and wonderful Cheryl! Beautiful words and photos of your year together! They both are going to cherish these memories for a life time! Xo
Cheryl, What a wonderful tribute! The photos and rememberances are something you will all be able to look back
On year after year! Love the photos and love the memories! He is just so adorable!
This is just wonderful Cheryl, every line is filled with memories! You do such nice work taking the photos, and journaling into a story. these boys and their mom will treasure your writings for years. Happy Birthday to Jaxson.
Read this last night on my iPhone while in bed, so I didn't have a chance to comment;
besides, the tears were rolling down my cheeks so my vision was a bit blurred!
I truly don't know how to find words to express the emotional impact this particular blog had on me.
I honestly don't believe there is a grandmother on earth as caring, loving, sharing and as adept at photo journaling her precious grandchildren.
I read this in the present, but reflect on the future when the boys will be reminiscing about these special times with their grandparents.
As always, I live my dreams through your blogs. Thanks for continuing to keep such incredible records and posts.
Happy Birthday to your precious Jaxson! I love the way you include Liam in your journaling too! xox
What a wonderful gift these birthday posts are and will always be for your grandsons!
What a beautiful post this is, Cheryl, and what a sweet little fella he is.
Wow!! That's some birthday, so spoiled and so loved by sure outdid yourself with all these shots especially love the second one!!!
oh Cheryl, what can I had me smiling and crying with these wonderful moments. And you know I love images that require no words but your words here are beautiful and sweet and filled with love for this amazing little guy. Happy Birthday, Jaxson! And congratulations Cheryl on your fabulous site here and beautiful photography!
I love everything here. the photos. the words. Well done, Cheryl! ☺
Such great adventures with the little men in your life, you inspire!