
March. I am beginning
to anticipate a thaw. Early mornings
the earth, old unbeliever, is still crusted with frost
where the moles have nosed up their
cold castings, and the ground cover
in shadow under the cedars hasn’t softened
for months, fogs layering their slow, complicated ice
around foliage and stem
night by night,
but as the light lengthens, preacher
of good news, evangelizing leaves and branches,
his large gestures beckon green
out of gray. Pinpricks of coral bursting
from the cotoneasters. A single bee
finding the white heather. Eager lemon-yellow
aconites glowing, low to the ground like
little uplifted faces. A crocus shooting up
a purple hand here, there, as I stand
on my doorstep, my own face drinking in heat
and light like a bud welcoming resurrection,
and my hand up, too, ready to sign on
for conversion.
Lucy Shaw
Reader Comments (6)
oh my, the blossoms, the bee, the bokeh! So much to look forward to. What a lovely poem...the snow is melting here and even if we get more, it won't last very long. My day lilies are pushing up but still no crocus. I have a feeling that one day when we wake up, Spring will suddenly be in full force! (I thought of a possible meeting place for us. How about The Butterfly Place in Westford? Have you ever been there? Let me know what you think.)
Such beautiful poem, Cheryl, and an equally beautiful photograph to go with it.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Yes, Spring is "in the air" . . . I just love how everything hibernates in the winter . . . resting for the big burst,
come April and May!
Then even the daffies die back to allow others to take the stage! It's all wonderful!
I LOVE the idea of the 4 seasons.
I cannot imagine living in the same climate all year long!
How else could we appreciate the wonders of mother nature in all elements of weather!
Celebrating with you!
Let us hope!
Such a beautiful image. I love the bokeh. My hand is up, I am ready for spring. Although this winter is the first winter in years I really haven't minded it. It hasn't been horribly cold and, dare I say it, I would have welcomed a little more snow in my part of the world. I only shoveled the driveway once. I can't wait for more spring flowers to brighten up the yard. :)
What a lovely poem - it seems to have been written especially for your beautiful photo. I loved this line: " own face drinking in heat and light like a bud welcoming resurrection..." Alas, more snow is predicted for Friday, but spring IS coming - I see tiny signs of it all around.