Insight..into Meditation

I've been taking meditation classes for awhile now...some of you probably already know that my son, Chris, owns his own studio...and he is wonderful at what he does...along with teaching us how to meditate, each week he explains more about the 4 Noble a way that we can understand it. It is not always easy but with his words..and gentle coaching I'm starting to get it...this week he explained how the Breath is really the body within the body. I loved the sound of that and when I close my eyes and think on those words...I get it..Simple right.
So Lesson 6 of Be Still, my class with Kim Klassen, also has an emphasis on slowing down, taking time, breathing..all before hitting the shutter button. To set ourselves up for quiet and harmony in our images...this water lily fits both Kim's and Chris's perspective on life right this moment. Insight into ourselves...slowly opening our awareness..strange that they both meet me where I stand with with the same intention... without knowing each other. Karma..perhaps, from two people I very much respect.
"In the attitude of silence the soul finds the path in a clearer light, and what is elusive and deceptive resolves itself into crystal clearness." Mahatma Gandhi
On the image above I processed it a bit in light room and then used Kim's pre-set darkmood. At first I wasn't sure if I liked it because it wasn't bright and brilliant but the more I thought about the theme's the perfect processing for this flower..very moody and thought provoking.
On another note...I have spent two days working on getting an e-mail subscription up and running for those of you who have asked for it...I am so happy to say that finally it is up working, I find new things so challenging but so pleased when it all comes together...So please, if it is easier for you, give the e-mail subscription a try...I would love to hear from you in the comment section...thanks so much for stopping all inspire me to continue doing my best both in my photography and my writing...