A Papa, An Uncle and A Dad...

My Grandson's are the luckiest boys on the planet...they are so loved by so many. They will grow up to be confident, kind, caring adults because of the loving men in their lives...A Papa, an Unlce and their Dad.
I never had the kind of love growing up that these two boys are receiving but it's always something that I wanted as a little girl...who doesn't want to be Daddy's girl...or boy, for that matter...So it is especially heart warming for me to witness what should have been and to know that all children deserve the love and respect of those adults in their life...in the end, it was o.k. for me. My Dad and I were given enough time to sort out the past and grow to love each other in a very special way as adults...
Oh but for these boys..A Papa..who thinks the sun rises and sets on his little buddies. When they are together there are not many rules but lots of "is that a good idea Papa"...and of course, the answer is always"yes Liam that's a great idea"...they go hand in hand down the street or in the park..they have workshop project to do in the cellar. They have cars to play in Liam and Jaxson's toy room at our house...but everyday that it's Nana/Papa day, first they have to have is their breakfast together...yes, Papa gets breakfast time and Nana gets tea time..don't mix it up...Today on Father's Day...Liam was made first Mate of Papa's boat at the lake..and Liam is taking the job quit seriously...another Papa and Liam adventure in the works...Jaxson, not to be undone is working his way slowly into Papa life but more quickly into Papa's heart. It's going to be fun watching them create their own adventures very soon.
Then there is Uncle Chris...it took Liam a long while to be able to say "Uncle Chris"...but he's got it now and the house rings all day long...like the meditation bell with the sound of Liam's voice calling to his Uncle...this weekend they had a wonderful time together...putting up Liam's new tent, and driving the boat together. Lots of silliness when Uncle Chris and Liam are gather..I think Uncle Chris turns into a 3 year old again as they hoot and holler for each other..out the windows and up and down the street...Liam gets to ride on his Uncle shoulders as we walk downtown and of course they share some serious conversations...it is a very lively place when those two are share space, sometimes I have to tell them both to quiet down...The love is so obvious and Uncle Chris is a natural....no training needed. Jaxson has already figured out how to work his way into this tight knit twosome...he just smiles that smile that says..."pick me up Uncle Chris" and so it happens..
Most of all though, is a love so deep and strong that everyone can feel it who is near...the Boys have such a kind, loving and dedicated father...the kind of father that all kids deserve...I have witnessed this bonding for 3 years now and I see how Jenna and Luke work together to make the boys the priority that they should be...Luke is so gentle and loving, yet just firm enough to have well behaved boys that you really can take out in public...The holding and feeding and changing are part of Luke's life...as is, playing and carrying and book reading and explaining...he dresses them and feeds them and can manage the house when Mom's not there. He takes time for them and shares his affection for them time and again...Liam thinks his Dad is the best thing since sliced bread and he follows him everywhere...and now he quotes what his Dad says to him, to us...like, if my Dad says it, it has to be true...Jaxson is powerful in big Daddies arms..even though right now he is a Mommys boy...he'll come around just like his big brother...Daddy is Top Dog..the kind of Daddy every child should have...
For me, I get the gift of watching them grown in the love and light of the men in their lives...how wonderful it makes me feel..to know that they are cared for and loved so deeply. I can't imagine how that feels but I do know that I like what it looks like and I know how sweet my house hums along when all these boys are together with Jenna and I...not only on Father's Day...but everyday...
Happy Father's Day to all the Men who mentor their children and other children also...you don't have to be a Father to be pretty special...Uncle's and friends, are special to...all you really need to do is share the Love..
“My father didn't tell me how to live;
he lived, and let me watch him do it”
― Clarence Budington Kelland