Cookies and Milk

Blog post, photographs, lessons and assignments...sometimes such a dilemma as to what to post...other times, I hear the prompt and right away I know what the subject and photo's should look like...then it's just a matter of pulling it all together...Be Still...Lesson 16, was like that for me...Cookies and Milk. Right up my alley since I have two little boys that love not only cookies and milk, but they love baking in my kitchen. Liam is somewhat of a pro now...but Jaxson, well, he's not one for being patient and still for very long...but for cookies and milk, he was a willing partner. So today, when he came over, he had his first cookie baking lesson and he passed with flying colors..I guess you just need to pick the right subject to hold their interest...below are the fruits of his labor and also his reward...I loved this lesson. Not only for the content but also because the boys are my life right now...fleetingly. I know that more now than ever before...Liam is now in preschool 4 days a week until we no longer have him for the full day...I do get to see him often, but not in the same way...and as Liam moves forward...we now have alone time with Jaxson for the first time...he's a trip for with only a few years left before they are both in school full time..they are my photo "props" and I'm o.k with come along with Jaxson and enjoy some cookies and milk...
So with Jaxson it is not a lesson in flour and milk and is strictly pull apart and drop on tray..what I love most about this photo is his intensity in getting the cookies apart...I can tell how hard he's working because, like all of us here, hard work means tongue the tongue is helping to get the job done..
Helping Papa get the oven door open...then he steps back so Papa can put the tray in for baking.
Jaxson is having a hard time waiting for the cookies to be he has taken it upon himself to keep a good watch on what is happening in the dark hole where his cookie dough went...
He finally got tired of watching his cookie "grow" and came out on the porch to have a drink of his milk...that kept him still for about a minute...
Cookies are finally done..but now Jaxson has another problem..they are to hot to eat...oh my, more waiting time..
Well he's nothing if he's not a smarty...he takes matters into his own hands..enough with being patient, he stands up on his chair and gives those cookies several good blows and that seems to do the trick for him...problem solved...
Finally, after being very persistent and patient he sits down and really enjoys his cookies and milk as only a 2 year old can...ah, if only we could keep the balance as adults...enjoy the moment, have one cookie and a bit of milk...Life is Good...just ask he enjoys the fruits of his labor..and for those who haven't noticed, the tablecloth is no long on the table...that is a chocolate, chocolate chip cookie. Trader Joe' got high marks from both of the boys...
So proud of him at the end, when he had his fill, he shared his broken crumbs with Papa...and Papa also declared them, just perfect...
Milk and Cookies was one of the best lessons that I have done with Kim Klassen at the helm of Be Still and so much more. If your ever looking for a "prop" to help out with baking, life lessons or just an abundance of cuteness, go borrow a two year will make any lesson in life much more fun...and actually chase your problems away...Great Job today's to Milk and Cookies and love....
"Little boy, you remind me how so much depends on days of now." Alison McGhee
I love his smile, I adore his spunk, I melt into his squeezes and I'm so happy he's my Grandson.
"Little Boys are just Superhero's in disquise"