Island News

Today's weather...high of 82, low of 72, sunny with chance of light sprinkle...funny, that's been the same weather report since we arrived. It's one of the things we love most about St. Maarten..predictable weather, always in our favor...the other thing I love about being here is the smell of the ocean, the smell of the just fills me up..comfort food for the nose and soul, so to speak. The weeks pass quickly, already home is seeping slowly into my mind. We will enjoy the rest of our time here though and store up the color and sounds, sun and light rain...the kind of rain that is like a gentle kiss on your body. No worries, no hurry.
So, I share with you a few of my favorite finds for this week...Color, it's all about the color.
My favorite's like the "meeting tree" for the locals, always interesting people and that branch is just made for soaking up some shade on these hot, hot days...
The Sweet Sugar Bird...yes, that really is the name of this very pretty bird...they literally eat sugar. This little one was just finishing up his bath and I just love how he was puffing up his feathers...
Ah, the Pinal Island lizard...o.k. this one is not so colorful but I love his stance..there are many others that are much more colorful and they just hang out at the beach...first time I met one, I was in the "ladies room", outside of course and one of these creatures sauntered in...literally scared the "crap" out of me...LOL Anyways...we have become much better friends since then...I no longer use the "ladies room."
The sunsets are gorgeous every night..sometimes, like here, I just shot it from my balcony. Other times I head down to the beach. Wherever I am, the sunsets bring me to a halt. They remind me of the beauty of nature and the spectacular paintings of a higher spirit...always the end to a perfect day.
I could not end this post without offering up another French treat...Last week I gave you Hot Cross Buns, this week I'm sorry to say they were out of those buns but they did have some "day old buns" that I thought you might enjoy..something for everyone on the beaches...
I'll hope these photo's bring you some respite for the weather you might be experiencing at home...Even though I am here I think about my family and my peeps everyday...we can travel, relax and enjoy another culture but we are never really very far from home and heart..
Happy Weekend to all of you...
Reader Comments (6)
I'm first! Yay! Cheryl, this brought me some much need warmth at the North Pole. So well written and some of your best work, next to Liam and the horses. The sugar bird started a crinkle of a smile that only got bigger as I read about your friend in the bathroom, I would be all over those lizards, dressing them up in cowboy hats!! True story! --- The grand finale is the "day old buns" I cracked right up, Hun, hate to burst your bubble but I think those buns have been around the sun 70 times!!
I had a mini vacation viewing your blog this morning. The bird wins my vote, just adorable. The buns...well, not so much!
Yes, that little birdie is just adorable. I wonder what it would be like to fly. :)
Great post, Cheryl !
What a cute Sugar bird ...
and that lizard, oh my, I would have screamed out loud !
Gorgeous sunset ... and an amazing treat :-)
Nice week,
Hey Girl!
Needed to read this before hitting the hay after returning from VT this afternoon!
I'll tell you all about it when you return!
I LOVE this little sugar bird . . . we MUST be related!
Can't imagine being on vacation for 3 weeks...I've never done that!
Wonder how it would change my life?
Love how your camera picks up the highlights at the beach.
LOL....So glad you are having such a relaxing time.
Ever so much love, Antoinette xo
Brilliant love your shots and your sense of humour wish I was there in the sun with you !!