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"We live in a state of constant change .  Whether or not we're paying attention, the process is always happening.  Life is about recalibrating. About continually asking yourself: what do I have to do to get where I want to be? How do I create the life I want."  Although those words were written by Oprah Winfrey, the say exactly what I've been thinking for a few months now...

I find myself in a constant rat race...trying to get all the lessons, writing, blogging, researching done..I also love knitting reading and my boys...but I find that even though I'm retired I don't have enough hours for everything I want to do.  Then just when I think I have it all figured out, bingo...lights out..I'm off track again...and I'm feeling unsatisfied...all of this and to say nothing of friends and shopping (for shoes of course) I have begun to feel frustrated and unrewarded.   So what I end up doing is checking in...on Facebook, Mail, Instagram and running around the house like I have a need to be busy..

So how to get organized and prioritized...the first thing that popped into my head was something that a special photographer friend told me a short time ago..she decided to get serious about her photography and she has noticed it has made a difference...that thought has been running through my head a lot lately...but where to start...then I read in a post of Kim's...when people asked her how  she accomplish all she does...and her answer, " I wake up in the morning and I just start.  So my friends, that's what I did this week...I just started..

First, I stopped notifications from Facebook to my mail...can't believe how clean my mail is now and no going back and worth...second I did something that I have been wanting to do for very long time...I hired a photographer to do a portrait of me for my blog blog needs a tiny bit of now that I have my photo's I'm going to work on it...I'm looking for a writing workshop in my area...a place that I can go to and be part of a group..I love writing and I love blogging but I want to do it right...I've signed up for lessons on my camera...I'm not a book learner but I am a "you show me how" excited for this piece.  Most importantly I'll get this LR business because I'm going to keep at lesson at a time.

To be able to add the new postions in, I'll have to let go of some of the other things I love, like knitting.  I won't completely give it up but I won't go to classes every week..I don't need was more social than anything although I love the feel of the wood and wool moving through my hands.  I still make things but not under pressure....and reading, I'm going to do more of that fills my soul...and of course, I'm keeping my boys..for as long as I can...another thing that I'll be slowing down on is Facebook...I'm addicted and I need to be more aware of my time...I'll still show up because I love my peeps...maybe just not 20 times a day. I'm also going to be moving my post to my Facebook Photography page so I can take myself more if you don't see me as much, don't worry...I'm right here in my office, at my desk...looking at your work..I hope I can stay true to my word...for myself. 

As I move forward and embrace the change, I'll be on a more stable path to peace of mind and well being...and I'll take myself more seriously..

I had a lovely week...with lots of Autumn finds and a few funny moments...I won't be giving up my Fridays with you that's for sure...well, unless I'm off wandering the world...which I hope to continue..may you all find it in your heart to recalibrate whenever you need to...Here's to loving what we do.....

We took the boys to Pumpkin Land..and they had so much fun...have to share a few...

Liam flying....

Jaxson taking Mommy for a ride around the race track..Seriously, whose having more fun here. 

Watch out Jaxson...Liam is coming up the rear...punch it Martha....

After leaving Pumpkin Land, I went for a drive, BY MYSELF, on the backroads of Maine...and this is what I found.

I love this property not to far down the road from me in Maine...You'd swear you were in Kentucky. I visit it most times when I'm in the white fence, the horses, the laundry on the line...I've posted many photo's from here...most of all the love the woman who owns it....a lovely senior who inspires me with her energy, work ethic and neatness...and she loves to chat over the kind of girl

I wish you all a lovley, color filled weekend...thanks for stopping by...and helping me to finally get it out in the can think it but once you write it on paper and share it...I feel you become more serious in your efforts...Happy Autumn.

“When we can no longer change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.” ~Viktor Frankl

“Happiness is not a goal. It’s a by-product of a life well lived.” ~Eleanor Roosevelt 

Photo credit for my portrait...(gosh I hate getting my photo done) goes to Lisa Pelonzi.. Please check her out. She does the most amazing work...and she's a beautiful person...from one photographer to another...thank you Lisa...xoxo

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Reader Comments (14)

OH!! What a beautiful portrait of my friend!! The lamp light is just perfect. I, for one, needed to read this post just the way you've written it...I need to make changes in my daily life, and I actually started today, by not sitting at the iMac looking through blogs, FB, etc. The motivation to get things downsized in my house needs to be moved to the head of the list, for now. So, I thank you Cheryl, for writing this beautiful post, as I need to recalibrate myself as well. I've enjoyed the first year of I need to move forward. Gorgeous photos!! xx

October 10, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterBeverly

Cheryl I think your portrait is beautiful. I love your hair. I have started to embrace my gray and it is now coming in. Half to the ends at this point! :)

I have scaled back on Facebook. I really don't find it rewarding the way I used to. I pop on two times a day but only scroll through the most recent items. I too had to prioritize my time and focus on my photography. I have cut back my posts to twice a week on the blog so I can spend more time on my photos and putting them up for sale on my sites. I think it's fine that we keep checking in on what our priorities are because they are constantly changing. I would love to "Like" your FB page. I have one too!

October 10, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterLiz Thomas

Oh so good for you Cheryl! I know that writing down my plans for the last month has been so beneficial to actually sticking to my plan and being serious. Crazy how that works :)

October 10, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterSarah

I think your post is very true for many of us. I'ts so difficult to get it all done. Thank you for this inspiring post. so glad you had your portrait done and it's the heading for your blog, perfect!

October 11, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterDiane

This post resonated so much with me Cheryl. You managed to put into words an important process -- recalibrating! Yes, I am doing it too, cutting back on some things and bringing others to the fore. No judgement on what is a bad or good way to spend time, just a decision that feels right and aligned with what really matters. I love where your photography and writing have been going and I can't wait to see where you take them in the next while. As Elizabeth Gilbert says: "Onward"!

October 11, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterSherry

Love your post Cheryl and the photos of your family so intimate, great memories. Don't desert us totally my friend I love reading your updates.

October 13, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterViv Halliwell

Ok - I just HAD to come back for a second look at this - the portrait of you in this gorgeous (!) blue dress - I LOVE it! And the smiles of fun on those faces!! Sigh! xxoo

October 14, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterBeverly

Beverly thank you for your always know just what to say and you see detail with those eyes of yours...perhaps that is why your compositions are always so good...I loved the girl who took the portraits...she was fantastic...I could never have done a selfie like these...she makes me look good...the blue dress is a's a tee shirt dress by Eileen Fisher...I wore it more than anything else in my closet this year...dress it up, dress it down...all good.

October 14, 2014 | Unregistered Commentercheryl c.

Sherry...I knew you would understand...I person I was referring to was you remember at the beginning of the year telling me that you had decided to become serious about your photography...that stuck in my inspire me...each day...and I thank you.

October 14, 2014 | Unregistered Commentercheryl c.

Viv...I won't be going to far...just not so frequently...I could never leave a lovely group like ours for very long...I would miss you terribly.

October 14, 2014 | Unregistered Commentercheryl c.

Sarah you are my writing champion...I follow your coffee shop blog post faithfully to see what your up to, your writing and what your reading...keep it up.

October 14, 2014 | Unregistered Commentercheryl c.

Thank you was a big step for me to get the portrait done..I'm glad I did it and yes, we all have to think about the direction we are traveling in every once in awhile...I admire your work.

October 14, 2014 | Unregistered Commentercheryl c.

Wonderful, thoughtful post here. I too have so much on my plate but all of it is fun! At least I think it is :) Recently I let one thing go completely, and cut another obligation in half - whew! does that feel good and the world didn't come to an end ... I love your photo - and you have a beautiful space there ...

October 24, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterBarb

You are STUNNING in Royal Blue!
I couldn't figure out why you were so dressed up, and thoroughly enjoyed reading this blog . . .
I'm so sorry I don't receive notices of your blogs, and just don't remember to visit you every week.
I'll be back to catch up.
Can't tell you how happy I was to read your thoughts and confessions!
But most of all, I'm thrilled you are taking yourself even more seriously with your writing . . .
You know I've always been one of your more gregarious cheerleaders!
Staying focused is going to help, for sure.
But now I need to know what brought on the trip out west!!!!
You're so good about traveling. I'm fretting about taking a train to NYC for a 2 hour wedding "reception" . . .
insane, I know . . . I just like to stay put and create, create, create . . . it feeds my heart and soul . . .
LOTS OF LOVE to you always.
I DO hope some day you and hubby will come down to see us!
ps....another BUT . . . BUT WHERE ARE YOUR SHOES in this photo? My mom had a thing for shoes when I was growing up . . . used to hide them under her bed! I loved shoes when I worked in Boston in the late 60's . . . now as long as I have my comfortable cowgirl boots, I'm happy!!!!

October 27, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterAntoinette

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