Friends F. F. May 29th...
We are back, the Thelma and Louise of the consignment stores, and if I must say, today was a pretty big discovery and a bigger than usual the plan for today, after breakfast at the Tea House, was to head to Danvers. That is actually where Dina is from but we have never gone there to look for bargains...we should have been there sooner. We heard that there were 3 consignment shops there, one being fairly new. So off we went, knowing that there was not a minute to lose as Dina had a 2:30 hair appointment. To some of us a hair appointment is more important than a doctor's appointment...punch it Martha, we don't have time to waste.
So the first store we hit was not a knew one to town, but a new one to was small and really only had clothes of the casual type, with no big names. We both did find the exact same pair of NYDJ's though and we take the exact same size, so how funny is it that there were two pairs. Now if your not familiar with NYDJ, we got a bargin at $14.00. They sell for $100.00 or better in any of the stores. Dina and I discovered them years ago and when they go on sale at Nordstrom's we are there, but even then you can't get them for less than $78.00. My daughter first got me to wear them and I've never gone back to any other kind of jean. So right out of the gate we were on a roll. I also found a long black dress and a zip cotton jacket with a hood by Fresh Produce there. Those will be good for Maine so I washed them and they are now in the going to Maine basket. The thing that we like about this store is everything was priced between $10.00 and $14.00. Score, but honestly, not my favorite shop.
So we moved on until we came to another shop, just up the street called Revival. That sounded interesting. Grabbed our purses and off we went. Three steps in we thought for sure we would not be shopping in this store. First, it looked like a fancy ladies shop. I saw designer bags on the shelf facing us as we entered. Before we could turn to leave a lovely lady came right over to us and introduced herself and then gave us the tour of how the store was laid out and how the pricing was done. While she was talking I was sweeping the store with my eyes and I fell on Eileen Fischer..oh, I like her. I sometimes get her on sale at Nords...Oh and there is St. John. I have a suit of her's. Remind me to tell you the story of how I got that suit someday. So when she was all done giving us her spiel, we thought we might as well take a little look around. We didn't want to be rude, after all that lady spent a few minutes with us, so we should give back. Right. So funny, Dina and I both headed for the Eileen Fischer rack. In the photo above that is where Dina is and she's found something she likes. She's telling me the ticket price is a bit pricey for a consigment shop but a real value for Eileen. We both roamed the racks...
I found this sweet LBD, just perfect for the summer and I can even wear it in the fall with a sweater or jacekt..the thing about this dress that made it an instant purchase for me is that I have this Eileen dress in a green and I paid 98.00 for it. It was worth the price because I wore it all winter with for $38.00 it was in my bag. Dina tried on a pair of leggings. She has never worn leggings. They are really cool in the winter. Warm and you wear really long shirts or sweaters over them or even a dress like my black one here..After trying them on, she was hooked and they went in her bag..I ended up buying three pair of them. I'll share a pair or two with Jenna. I also bought these in the store last year, again under my daughters influence, I need to stop shopping with her. In store, $99.00, at Revival, $28.00.. B I N G O. Basket. Lastly, I found a black lacy, short sleeve long sweater to wear over a sleeveless or short sleeved shirt or dresses and tank tops..I debated on this one but eveyone, including Dina was tell me how good it in the Basket it went.
It was getting late..Dina checked her watch, while checking out a designer bag. I was ready. We had been there and hour and 1/2 and we had never left the Eileen Fischer rack. We went fromt the rack to the dressing room, back to the rack..yes, we spent a bit more than our usual budget this Friday but we got really lovely things..and every piece in the store had a dry cleaning tag in it. Now that's a bargin right there..We laughed, we jumped back and forth, half dressed, to each others dressing rooms and we always tell each other the truth about how something looks on the body and if its not good it stays on the rack...she is the only friend I have that likes to shop like I was bigger than usual but we know this store is a keeper. We have to come back...perhaps to see what else they sell on those other racks that we saw there...
I dropped Dina at her house so she could go to get prettied up and just as I was leaving she filled my car with these lovely white Lilac's...she knows I love lilac's and she knows I don't have white so after a most lovely day...I drove home with the smell of love in my charge...
Reader Comments (7)
Oh Cheryl, you and Dina really scored big at that second shop...maybe it is really named Nordstrom Rack, since they have all things from Nordstrom! LOVE NYDJ's!! Hooked for sure and I have NEVER found them under $100! You especially scored with that seat full of white lilacs...I'll be expecting some lovely photos to appear next. No rush, but hopefully this week, while they are still fresh. xx
So glad you know what I'm talking about Beverly...NYDJ...don't they just fit the best...yes, this was a good shop for special things that we don't get to often..made it feel o.k. to have the lovely pieces...and about those lilac's...I've already taken the photos...just need to get the time to put them up...probably not until next week...unless I sneak in a minute tomorrow...I did post a few things today and tht felt good...thank for stopping by and coming shopping with us...
Oh, this was great fun. I have been shopping at consignment stores for years and oh my have I gotten some great deals! I love it when that happens to me and to you! One time I got a pair of perfect knee high black suede boots for $15! And then there was the cashmere cardigan…I could go on and on. I had to laugh at the NYDJ. I'm a big fan too. What an invention. Super prices at this store. I try to buy mine in the US because you don't want to know how much they cost in Canada! Well, you're giving me an itch to go to a consignment store. Our local one has a sale on now. Can I resist?
Thrift stores are so much fun. I notice that more higher end stores are opening up in my area. It's nice to be able to find nicer items for an affordable price. What fun the two of you must have each week!
Well, I'm smiling BIG time!
For a lot of reasons . . .
Just yesterday I was in the local thrift store and bumped into a friend trying on some bargains!
I've never thought to look at the clothes! Probably because I'm not a clothes shopper! (I know, I know . . .)
BUT......BUT......BUTT.......I DID actually buy one pair of NYDJ many years ago, and it is the only pair I ever wear . . . when I wear them!
I love my leggings and T's!!!! I'm an accessories person, so always go for the jewelry! Have only one pocketbook . . . have used the same one
for about 5 years!!!!!!! (It's a Coach that my daughter gave to me when she was manager, years ago) . . . SHE is the clothes person! If ever I need a special outfit (rare) . . . I hire her! Seriously, she could make mucho bucks as a personal shopper . . . outfitted one of the Red Sox players once when she was working at a retail store in Boston! ok...I'll'll probably never talk to me again! Some time I'll tell you why I'm not into clothes! Today I finally took a bag to the salvation army! Was hard to get rid of some oldies I've had for "you don't want to know" how many years! hahahaha! oxo But seriously, we'll have to find something in common to do together some day!!!!!!! Walking the beach works for me! oxoxox
It seems you had a lot of fun Cheryl, shopping clothes with your good friiend!
What a lovely gift she made you with this bunch of perfumed white lilac! gorgeous picture inside the car!
Look at you in the 'cornstalks' is what my dad called it :))) cute! I know all I have to do is come here to get updated!! Happy trails!