Look Who's Two

How can it be...where did the time go...the night of his birth now just a distant memory. The fading away of the stress and worry we endured because of his frail and delicate birth. Two years of healing and growing and yes, they said it could be like this, but at the time it seemed hard to believe...Jaxson was born with a spirit like no other child that I personally know...Today when I see how far he has come and how smart and funny he is...I know in my heart of hearts that same spirit was in him when he was born and it is what got him through...he is no wimp this boy of our family..
Today, at two...he runs and plays and picks flowers for his Nana...we watch as Liam plays T-ball. I watch him learn about life amongst the dandelions, throw away flowers to most but not to Jaxson. To him they are beautiful and deserve a place in a glass of water on my windowsill and of course we put them there when we go home...And along with picking those flowers, he chats to me about how "pretty" they are. His speech is well above most children his age...he is charming in his choice of words. and his stories are very entertaining. I, of course, am thrilled at how far he has progressed..It has really been an amazing journey with this boy of light and love.
His eyes are what get you first...and he knows how to use them...then his sweet and loving personality kicks in for added insurance so he can manoeuvre his way around you...and if none of that works, he moves into high gear to let you know he is not happy with your decision. Now I know, as a parent and now as a grandparent, that you are not suppose to encourage a stand-off with a two year old..but can I just tell you with Jaxson it just works..OMG, the look on his "angry face" is so darn cute and the pouty lips moving into a "raspberry" is just to funny.. Now that he is two I have to turn away and laugh..in one way...he is moving away from this gesture as he grows and learns some rules..and honestly, as much as I know he needs to move on...I will sure miss his spunky attitude..his knowing what he wants and that look on his face. In defense of him though...he moves out of his "mood" so quickly you wonder...did that really happen...He is such a joyful, happy baby.
Every once in awhile he gives in to the tiredness of his busy schedule and catches a few winks in the car...It's not easy being two and learning the lessons of life. Fortunately he has his big brother Liam to help him along...and now that Jaxson is "a big boy" they are so much fun to watch together...so when Liam is being quiet in the car...Jaxson folds his hands and tucks them into the seat belt, I like to think he is asking God for more strength for his journey ahead. To keep him safe and strong. I love to see him like this and so I capture him. I capture both him and Liam in so many everyday, anytime situation. Someday they will have a journal of their young years...or at least that is my hope...but it also is my gift to myself...to be able, as the years move by, to remember all the tiny, everyday things that they have done...and of course the milestones also..
So Happy Second Birthday Jaxson...you deserve all the love that surrounds you. You give back more than we give and you shine your magic on us each time you visit. Where did the two years go...they went into the hearts and souls of all of us who know you. He has built his network from frail beginnings but he is a powerhouse now...I just can't wait to watch him go, go, go...I love you Jaxson, a bushel and a peek and a hug around the neck...Your Nana

Reader Comments (9)
Oh my dear friend, I want you for my Nana!! This post is just unbelievable, Cheryl! Your words, the love you have for Jaxson and Liam, the way you see them becoming a little person, and learning rules. Your love really shines through and I just know beyond all, that you are THE BEST Nana in the world. How fortunate for Jaxson and Liam. Happy Birthday Jaxson!! Two years old, you are an amazing little guy!! xxoo
You have the gift of telling stories in such a beautiful way!! Love this post and his cute little face. Happy second birthday Jaxson, here's to many many many more!!! xoxoxo
Lovely lovely your love shines through your words Cheryl...
Two years!! He has done SO very well! The combination of his spunky, determined spirit & the love & support of his family have brought this little guy such a long way. When children are loved & nurtured, they thrive & cute little Jaxson is proof of that! You really paint a great picture of who he is, beautifully illustrated with your photos, as always. That b&w one of him snoozing... Those folded hands tucked into the seat belt... It's perfect.
I'm so happy & share your family's joy at little Jax's growth, healing & development into such a great little guy. Happy birthday Jaxson!! Xxx
I love what Beverly says about wanting you for her nana! If only every child could be so lucky! It's hard to believe he is only two -- he is so hale and hearty and active and I feel I've been privileged to be a witness to his part of his journey growing up through your amazing pics and stories -- all of which I totally adore. And those eyes -- they really are windows to the soul, aren't they?
As a grandmother I can feel your joy! Grandchildren wiggle into our hearts like no others! I am so pleased to hear Jaxson is healthy and doing well. It really is a gift from above!
Dearest Cheryl,
What incredible gifts you are creating for your precious grandsons through your beautifully sensitive photography, words and journaling . . .
Such blessings from your heart and soul which flow so naturally through your inborn talents. You are a true example of what God expects from each of us . . . to let our love shine, unconditionally, upon our loved ones. To have all these mediums at our fingertips to produce books and memories, is so exciting! When I think of you, I fill with such warmth and count my blessings that you are part of my life. Thanks for sharing so much with us. You are an amazing person and mentor to so many. HUGS all around. And thanks again for all you went through so that we can subscribe to your world in prose and photographs! xox
Your daughter is very lucky to have you documenting everything, each picture is special...time does fly by way too fast.....have a nice weekend!
Thank you all from Jaxson and I...he is such a love and a bit of a freshie...but his personality will get you in 5 minutes....I'm going to tell him you all stopped by to wish him a Happy Birthday.
Hope your 4th of July and Canadian days were wonderful.