Cowboy or Polo Player in Training

I live my life by my lists. Most days I know what I should be doing all week but even then, on a daily basis, I will write a list. It helps to physically write it and it also feels lovely to cross things off my list as I complete a task. Some days though, in the process of working down the list, I will come across something on it that leads me astray. That is what happened today..and so the day passed without completing my list. What I did accomplish though was so much more fun and hopefully it will someday be a special memory for this little guy that I love so much.
On my list for today was to download all my waiting cf cards from camera to computer. Well I made a good start but that was about it..first card in was of Liam yesterday at his riding lesson. I just watched those photo's loading and they were so precious I had to play with them. With him being sick a few weeks back and me being away he has missed 4 weeks of riding lessons so yesterday he was very excited to see and ride his Penny. We went prepared with carrots for treats when the lesson was over and I swear this boy had a smile the entire time we were there. It was very nice for him to be amongst his furry friends and it was so wonderful for me to see him in his element of joy. Because I had so much fun playing today I thought I would share his day with all of hopes it brings a tiny smile to your faces also..
Before Liam can ride his horse he has to brush her with 3 different kinds of brushes...He knows them all now and what brush to use when...then he has to help get her saddle, blanket, halter and's more work than I would be willing to the end of his riding lesson, he has to repeat the brushing and returning of her gear.
Once Penny is ready Liam takes the reins and because it's still cold here he walks her from the barn to an inside rink where he gets to ride her. Pretty cute to watch them go along...
Off they go..Penny is a good follower and Liam is a great leader..not an ounce of fear in either one of them..
Time to ride..Liam's favorite part of course...He stands on the mounting block and now knows how to put his foot in the stir-up and hop over. In just four months he's learned so much. This is where his face really lights up..when that horse trots, he's in heaven..and I get the biggest kick out of him..I wonder already if this will be something that Jaxson loves also..
Today was a good day...he did his first very small jump and trotted several times...trotting is his favorite thing to the end he learns to put his leg over and slide down the horse, with help of was a very good day for Liam and now he walks Penny back to the barn...brushes her and then like all of the end of a task, we like a treat...Penny gets her carrot..but Liam being Liam..he brings carrots for his two other favorite horses so off we go to feed his friends...
Liam leaves the barn with a spring in his step..feeling good about his time spent here at Myopia. Who knows how long he will love the company of horses but for now it makes him happy and the horses seem to like him to...I do believe they know a kindred soul and Liam is that for sure...
So you know that list I started today and never finished. It will be there tomorrow and perhaps I'll add a few more things to it and make some progress. What I do know is that yesterday and today are the things that give real meaning to my life...and these "little boy" days are as long as I can...I'll keep trotting along behind these guys...just like Penny does.
Reader Comments (6)
I too live by a daily list, so much more productive that way. Seeing the photos of Liam reminds me of when Mallory was in the horse phase. She did riding camp for a couple of summers and then did riding lessons for a while. It was a great experience for her.
Oh Cheryl this is such a beautiful story of your day with Liam, and the photos are just precious!! My youngest granddaughter has taken riding lessons for several years, and now she's tending to a couple of horses not from from their country home. I think she will become the next Tasha Tudor as she's the artsy one too. I'm not a list person though I probably ought to be....maybe one day. This was a real heart warming post - one of my top favorites! xx
I'm totally a list person -- and love checking things off! Loved this post and can see how you could not resist these precious shots of Liam and Penny. It brings a huge smile to my face to see how much he loves her and riding and how responsible and smart he is about the whole thing -- and to do a small jump at his age -- wow! Amazing. We are heading back this coming week if all goes well and I will be so happy to see more of your blog posts and catch up with you and otters!
Cheryl what a darling he looks so happy and proud. I love the back shot it really speaks to me and sums up his whole adventure. Thank Liam for sharing his day at the stables with me. Have a lovely Easter.
I enjoyed this series more than I can say....heartwarming, I hope I get pass my love of horses on to a special little person just like Liam someday. You're so blessed!
Thank you my lovely Heart Sister for your visit...glad you a back safely...and my one wish for you would be that you do get to experience your love of horses and all things beautiful with a little one...boy or girl...that will be a very lucky child...your the best horsewoman that I know...xoxo