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Furry Friends

Here comes Gracie...this is how she of energy and flying ears. What a treasure she is.  Those who know us, know that we rescued Gracie, but more importantly she rescued us.   She came with the name of Gigi..but really, look at her, does she look like a Gigi to you.  Not to me we found her by the Grace of God and goodness and so she is Gracie..

So this week in BB we had to shoot our Furry Friends...and I could have chosen lots of furry friends but why stress out over this when I have the best furry friend living with me.  She is smart, loves to play ball and is so sweet and cuddly I could not begin to go looking for any other fur...

Gracie is a dog for all seasons...she might be little at 6 pounds but she doesn't know that...she thinks she can run with the big boys and I say, more power to her. In the summer she loves the boat...and the wind running through her ears..her favorite spot is on the very back bench where she can see any ducks or loons that might float by...and if they do, she gives them a few say hello.

In the winter Gracie loves going walking with her Dad every morning...sometimes they go to the park here at home or if we are in Maine...she just grabs her pink polar fleece and heads out to the woods there...and when she comes home from walking she does yoga with that's a cool dog.. 

Yes Gracie loves all kind of outdoor activities but being a girl, she also does not mind being pampered.  So as you can see, she has wonderful spots for napping and primping...the luxury of a down comforter and a pillow that speaks of a good life...but then, these are things that all girls deserve but especially those that have been rescued or those who rescue themselves...


Oh, and don't be afraid to every once in awhile throw yourself a good party.  Gracie loves to have her cousin Riley over for treats and they always wear their party hats...Oh come on, you know you all love a good get your good party pants out before it's to late to wear them.  Remember good friends are hard to come by so when you find one, love the fur off of them buy giving them big hugs and lots of love...

Final words from Gracie...always remember at the end of the day to bow down and give thanks for all the treats in your life...Gracie knows life isn't easy but she also knows that it can get better and that now that she has a forever home...she is so grateful...and everyday at 4 p.m. when we have tea together...well I have tea, she has a dog bone...we know that we were brought together for a reason..Furry Friends Forever...

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Reader Comments (11)

I'm smiling from ear to ear Cheryl!! She is just priceless, adorable, beautiful! The first two pictures are adorable, and the third one is priceless! Now how sweet is that - Gracie have a dog biscuit at 4 p.m. every day while you have tea! Smile again. A wonderful and fun post today!!

July 20, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterBeverly

Gracie is a real doll and looks like she is Queen of your home as well she should be. Love that first shot so much.

July 20, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterBarbara Hurst

So cute and adorable - especially that first image.

July 21, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterCarol

soooo adorable, Cheryl! She's so tiny. My Kobi runs with the big boys just fine too, but he's 22 lbs! Thanks for sharing your rescue story. I think rescuing is the best. So many pups out there who need homes, and we need them.

Thanks to all of you for your visit, kind words and for coming to visit Gracie...she sure was happy to see all of you...

July 22, 2013 | Unregistered Commentercheryl c.

She's the best. How totally adorable!

July 23, 2013 | Unregistered Commenterhelen

Your pics of Gracie are just fantastic. She is a little doll and I can see the joy she brings you. I love how you've captured so many moods and activities. They are all priceless but the second to last one makes me grin from ear to ear. I can sure relate to your feelings for your pup!

July 23, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterSherry G.

My goodness... she is so adorable!

July 23, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterNaomi

Now THIS is my kinda dog!
Precious, cuddly, FUN!
Another chapter in your book of treasures and blessings!
I am blessed to call you friend!

July 26, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterAntoinette

I love Gracie, what a special dog! :)))))) Her face and story gave me a well needed smile this morning in a world full of broken promises and I think her name suits her perfectly.

July 27, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterMarilyn

Marilyn...Gracie wanted me to send a big hug and a thank you to you for visiting with her...She wanted to wear her cowboy hat but I told her she already had a photo up with that on....I know when you meet her you will love her even more....she's got spunk and you like that...xoxo from Gracie.

July 29, 2013 | Unregistered Commentercheryl c.

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