Colors of the Beach
I am into my second week here at the beach...not just a beach, an Island. Surrounded by sea, salt and sand. Gentle breezes, deep aqua water with just enough waves to sooth you to sleep as you rest on your lounge chair...textured sand wraps around your feet and warm your bones as it travels up through your body...Then lazy walks and shells to collect...nothing to do but so much to do of nothing...
It is my refuge, my healing spot, my Buddha and my is nature in all it's dimensions...both calming and beautiful, then at times it becomes fierce and dangerous...all of nature follows this path...that is why it is can never let your guard completely down...but it is also why it is healing and learn to trust it and you learn to let go and trust yourself.
Last week in 2B our lesson was to pick a color and then make a story board of the color...this was an easy lesson for me...not so much on the technical side but certainly as I walked the beach I knew right away that I would compose a photo from my surroundings, and the beauty is was a calm, late afternoon, just full of perfect light..a gift of the Gods and I went to work...I like what I see..
Just so you know not every day is calm like the sea swallowed my I-phone...bummer...but I'll be back because you give me so many hours of pleasure and peace, you can have my phone....
Where is your peace...go find it.
Reader Comments (5)
I'm loving that you're having this vacation!
You truly remind me of Anne Morrow Lindbergh as she would stay by the sea and record her daily experiences!
You are so talented! I would never have thought of this type of blog...but you do it so well. More, more, more....
Thanks girls for stopping by...can't tell you how much I appreciate it..
Antoinette I love Lindbergh...I have her book about the sea at the house in Maine...haven't read it yet though.
Virginia...blogging has gotten off to a slow start because I changed blog servers...I love writing and photo's and they just seem to go together here...Needs more work but I'm plugging of like my personal journal to my family and friends..
You can't beat beach palettes Cheryl! So natural, so beautiiful. The Gift from the Sea is one of my favorite books. I'm sure you will enjoy finishing it. I keep a bunch of quotes from it to inspire me. Glad you are finding this time healing and rejuvenating.
Cheryl, this sounds just lovely! I can feel the peace in your words.