So Now Your Three
Saturday, June 27, 2015 at 09:27AM
Cheryl Crotty

Dear Jaxson, you turn 3 years old today...for such a young boy you have a long and loving history.  I remember when we were waiting for you to arrive (not knowing it was you) I wanted your Mom to have a girl.  I think all Mom's dream of a daughter and all Mom's want their daughter to have a daughter, but you know, Mom's aren't always so smart.  Even though you might think we are.  I went so far as to wear OPI pink nail polish called "It's a Girl." Silly Nana, right.  But you had a surprise for me..and right from the start, you showed me boys are the even showed up way early so you could get started with this journey of yours and you have proven over and over again in your three years...that life really is meant to be lived in joy and laughter...with a few tears every now and again when things don't go exactly your way.  

I love this photo of you and I.  It's our beginning...our real beginning.  It is the first time that I held you.  It was a special day. You were so tiny when you were born..barely the size of the palm of my hand but what I didn't know, and I wished I did, was that inside that tiny body was a big strong, happy boy...just busting at the seams to break lose of your nest and get started on your magical journey...and you wanted to take all of us who love you along for the see, now I know you had such a zest for life that you wanted to get the party started...from such a tiny spark...your world has become our bright light.

You worked so hard to come home...oh, it took you awhile for sure.  You did your job and we did ours by standing guard over that little tent of yours...camping out with you in the hospital and whispering words of love and dreams into your tiny ears...we fought with you for each ounce that you gained and cheered with great enthusiasm when you reached 3 pounds...that is when my heart settle down to a regular beat is when I knew, in my heart that you were going to become our bright shinning star.  I just didn't know back then how bright you were going to shine...I love this photo of you also...when you came for the first time to the Maine house and snuggled in my bed with your Mom and your big brother Liam..what a happy day that was.

Before long you were healthy and growing, at your own pace, but what you learned how to do first, was smile.  That's a true story Jaxson, you smiled early and often...not just a tiny smile but big, big smiles and you giggled...You still do...your got your giggle from your Mom..she does that to.  You both laugh from the tips of your toes all the way to your head...Mom gave that laugh to both you and Liam and I love that...when you are all in a fit of laughter it makes my heart sing...happy tunes.   With each milestone that you were making, you were never far from your brother's side.  He helped you grown and learn.  He loved you from the moment you came home and he could finally touch you.  I get such a tingling feeling in my heart...almost like it could burst, sort of like fireworks, when I see the two of you playing when you don't know that I am watching.  I even like it when you have your arguments...because you say "sorry" to each other in a tone that melts me.  I know we make you say it...but I think you really do mean it...You and Liam will always be best friends, watching out for each other...walking life together.

I'm putting this Christmas photo of you and Liam in your letter today Jaxson because it is my favorite of both of you from last Christmas...I want to remember always both of your sweet smiles and what it means to feel the magic of Christmas.  I want you to know how you two have put the meaning of that day right in front of the gift of both of you.  

So Jaxson...from a tiny spark to a great big only three years, I want to share with you some moments that make me know that God was much smarter than this person that you call Nana...oh, he knows girls are pretty and sweet...but also whiney...He knows that pink is a happy color...and shoes with bows and sparkles are fun to wear but he also knew, that for this family, we needed a Jaxson.  We needed a boy who loves all colors and loves life with such energy, and that energy gets passed to much, that we all go to bed very early each day when we have been together.  God knew that you were perfect for us in every way...but mostly I think he knew that you and your brother would always light a fire under help us understand that as we all grow, we still need to play and laugh and maybe even jump in a few puddles.  We need to see blue eyes that sparkle in the sunlight, and feet that run so can catch a star.  We needed to see dirty and sticky and know that in that little face a treat so delicious was enjoyed.  I especially, needed to know how wonderful your hugs can feel and how freely you give them...and I needed you to teach me about singing My Little Boy with The Eyes of Blue, at nap time, in the big bed. I made that song up just for you.  You have taught me so many lessons in your three years...oh My Sweet Baby Boy, I can't wait to see what adventures you are going to take me on this year...Let's get the party Started...You are my Sunshine everyday.

Perhaps we'll jump in a few more puddles...

Or maybe you'll continue to squirt me and laugh that sinister laugh, even when I beg for mercy for you to do love to tease me...

I love our Wednesday trips to the YMCA for your swimming are so brave and you try everything...even diving off the big diving board.  Papa and I are so proud of you because we know how scared you were when you first started...but your "spark"  keeps you moving forward...

Sometimes super hero's need to slow down and and Liam already know why we go to the Maine's the perfect place for just slowing down...even if you only do it for 15 minutes and then your off and running again with re-newed energy...

So Jaxson...this is how I see living color.  You brighten any day, you smile often, you live life your on your own terms and no one can change your mind.  You sing, you dance like crazy.  That just about kills me and we have the very best conversations, I wish I could freeze your little boy voice rigth where it is...You color my world and you have, right from the very beginning...when you made your entrance at your own time...and I might add, with your own agenda and in that very tiny beating heart of yours, you already had a plan.  You came here because you knew we needed you, especially you, and you are giving..."TREATS TO EVERYONE'...and I like nothing better than a good treat...


HAPPY BIRTHDAY BUDDY....Nana Loves You So Much...


A side note...sometimes people wonder about the Blogging Life...I do upon occasion also.  Then I have a day like today...when I want to really save and honor the special moments in my life.  Life isn't always easy, we all struggle but we also have so much goodness and reasons to be happy.  So much joy if we continue to see what we have been given.  I write because I want my kids and my Grandkids to know how important they are to both me and the world.  It adds a purpose to my life and someday I hope it enriches their lives.

Writing is not only for my's a part of who I am.  It's what I love to do.  Writing about whatever moves me at any given time.  I don't try to make it more than what it is.  I don't strive for subjects to write about or write from prompts...I write from a personal perspective.  What I feel, what I love.  If I don't feel it, it doesn't happen..

If you visit my page...I hope you leave feeling that your time here has enriched you somehow, maybe put a smile on your face and sometimes maybe even shed a few's all good.  Life is happening...don't let it slip by...take a lesson from Jaxson..go out and live it...with Zest and a bit of Color. 

Article originally appeared on CherylCrotty (
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