Saturday, October 3, 2015 at 11:19AM
Cheryl Crotty

"It's 106 miles to Chicago, we've got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing sunglasses"..."Hit it."  Ellswood...The Blues Brothers...

"Chicago seems a big city instead of merely a large place"..A.J. Liebling...

And so begins our trip to Chicago...for the 5th time. This summer I've taken you to several different places in Maine and in the early summer I took you on a trip to New York City and Central Park.  Today, you get to see Chicago with me, another city that doesn't really sleep. Another very easy walking city.  Well not so much for me this time with my bad knee, but even with that knee, that doesn't want to go anywhere anymore, we were able to see the city we love, meet with friends and once again fill ourself up with great culture, window shopping and fantastic food.  

For us Chicago is an easy trip..2 hour plane ride, then the train into the city.  This time we did Uber on the way back to the airport and that seems to work much better and it was really quite reasonable... Oh, that Magnificent you see Burberry above.  I love that plaid scarf but only for looking at.  So let's get started on our tour of downtown...and maybe later I'll share my food and friends post.  I do have to say here though, that we stayed with really good friends.  One of my very first Flicker friends.  Such gracious and sweet young people, who have become part of our many gifts they bring to our lives...If you want, you can read more about them here.

Whenever we come to the city, this is our first stop.  It is right where the train lets us off, up one flight of stairs and you're there. Jim love this place.  They referred to it all the time on Saturday night's limited, only burgers and hot dogs. No fries, just chips, no pepsi, just coke..and Schlitz on tap. You probably figured out we grew up in the 60's..

The beginning of the Magnificent Mile...tall buildings and lots of people, although on this day it wasn't so crowded.  September is such a good travel month...

We sat for tea in the afternoon.  The weather was perfect.  Sidewalk seating and always the best people watching.  This lovely was enjoying her joint and dancing and doing yoga poses and talking up a storm to herself,  for all who cared to me.  I love people watching. Her dancing was abruptly cut short as three of Chicago's finest came by and smelled the weed..she quickly packed up and vacated the property, with her escorts trailing behind her...

I'm not promoting him by any means but I had to include his building in the architecture of the city...of course, he's the tallest of them all...such a show off. Trump Tower. LOL

Late afternoon..looking down toward Lake Michigan with the sun going down over the city


Crown fountain as you walk along Grant Park...the kids have so much fun here. It was the perfect day for running through the spray.

Another little park connected to Grant Park along Michigan Ave...everyone was out enjoying the day..



Just another of the many beautiful statue's in the city...

Everytime I go, I end up at the is just so much fun to take photo's here...I'd love to come really early some morning before any people arrive...can you find me.

On our way to the Field Museum, we had to walk over a bridge..this shot was taken on the bridge, looking back into the city..I think it is really the view that tells the story of downtown Chicago the best. The tracks give the feeling of another era, while the modern buildings tell of today.  Chicago is a fascinating, fun, cultural, food loving city.  No car necessary, just good walking shoes.  I would also recommend the book, The Devil in the  White City, by Erik Larson. Murder, Magic, and Madness at the Fair That Changed America in 1893.

Home now for awhile but so many great memories of our little summer trips this year.  Although we do love seeing the bigger world, lately we have felt the pull to stay home and visit our own country.  There is a lot to offer in these United States and we've got some more milage to add on.  See you on the next trip...much closer to home...

"You are an aperture through which the world is looking at and exploring itself."  Allen Wilson Watts.



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