Home at last...with lingering memories of St. Maarten. A beautiful Island that offers me peace and quiet and such beauty...but not all of it's beauty is in the flowers, beaches and fauna...I love the beauty of the people, the customs they keep, the simple lives they live. When I'm driving through the neighborhood streets, I ponder how it must be for them. There is a lot of poverty there on the Island but still the people are pleasant and they have such respect for themselves in the most simplest of ways...today I just want to share a few moments of the basic beauty that is everywhere if we slow down and look...and the people...oh but that's for another post...
My Friday Finds...on a grey Saturday morning...as I sit in the beauty of my Maine house...
Laundry day...and a very unique way of hanging outside...lots of laundry hangs outside on the Island but I love how creative this hang job was done...work with what you have to get to where you want to go...
The Loo Loo girls...along the streets are many barbecue grills. Small business's so to speak..You walk the streets and just sample all that is offered...I can still smell the chicken and ribs...
Colors on the beach from children's green pails to aqua ocean water, to mountains rolling along the edges of eternity. Blue skies, white fluffy clouds like marshmallow fluff...and people of all shapes, sizes and colors. I sit in my chair and watch the world go by as I dig my toes into sand that feels like brown sugar.
Breathe, just breathe. Take it all in in slow motion...There is something for everyone. It might not be the bright lights of Broadway but it's the bright lights that remind you...to slow down.
Day's End.. the most beautiful time of the day for me...I never tire of the display of color in the sky, often reflected on the oceans foam...I am remind each evening of how fortunate I am and the gratitude I feel for all the beauty that surrounds me in both big and small ways..it is the gifts of nature that I cherish most.
My Island beauty Leon...who gave me back my confidence and joy. There were days in the past two years when I wondered if I would ever ride again...some would say I shouldn't still but for me, this is what life is about...doing what you love, living to the fullest. Sometimes we have to stop and listen and take care...I did all of that but now...I know where I stand and I'll take my chances of living a full life...The joy of riding, the trust of a being much bigger than you, I find strength in him and he carries me gently. It's a powerful feeling to be up there...and it's an enormous gift to take back your life...on your own terms...swimming in the Caribbean ocean with a horse is like therapy and oh I just love the beauty of this...it doesn't get much better.
Enjoy your week ahead...find the beauty, and just live your life.
"One of the happiest moments in life is when you find the courage to let go of what you can't change."