Love Is In The Air....
Thursday, February 13, 2014 at 08:36PM
Cheryl Crotty

No one does L O V E like the French...everything about them says one of the first things I do when I come back to St. Maarten each year is run over to the French side of the Island get me some of the best macaroons on the planet...they are big, with lots of oolala stuffing, just a bit crunchy on the outside and soft as butter on the inside...Today's flavors are Raspberry (my personal favorite) Mocha and Mango...Wishing you all a little love bite today...

Here are a few of my Friday Finds for this week..

Lovely little bright and creamy drinks...medicinal of course, and beautiful eye candy.

Always looking for health benefits...fruit on the beach..crack me one please.

 I love fresh flowers any day of the year...but especially soft pink on Love day.

To finish of this week of L O V E what about some nice Hot Cross Buns...yes, a nice view from my lounger..

Now isn't love just any form you choose..go out there today and find yourself some love, you don't even have to wait for someone to provide it for you...gather it up yourself and enjoy.

Happy Friday and most especially, HAPPY VALENTINES DAY...



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