The fog is lifting at my house...oh, don't get to excited, all is not as it should be but progress is being made. I've had my head in the clouds during the holidays and now the fog is starting to lift and I'm hoping to be on track, full time very soon...well, that is, until someone knocks me off my path again...
I've been cleaning and sorting and having Doctor's visits and yes, babysitting my Lovelies once again...we are back in our routine but unfortunately I still have some catching up to do. I think as far as the cleaning and sorting and purging goes...I can see the light at the end of the tunnel..and oh, have you heard about the crazy cold, snow and now foggy weather we've been having here in the east...hardly make a soul want to move out of the house...I can see St. Maarten right through the fog this's going to feel good.
O.K. see what I mean, it doesn't take much to get me off track. Although I have many lessons to catch up on and perhaps a surprise in my future...I thought I would start with something that Kim put out there at the beginning of the year...Sometimes writing things down makes our intentions clearer and it gets into the old brain much the lesson was, write 14 things you want to work on in 2014...
So here 14 things and believe me I could have added more. In no particular order.
1. Computer off by 9:30 p.m...Lights out by 11:00 pm...I need more reading and sleeping time.
2.Finish and keep up my portfolio.
3. More blogging, less Flickr and Facebook...
4. Do hard copy of my blog posts in book form. I wanted to do this last year and it never got done..
5. Print more photo's and make more photo albums.
6. Play with my Boys for fun, laughter, love and de-stressing. The years move fast..I don't want to miss them.
7. Travel more...I missed that these past 18 months...already lined up St. Maarten in February and Paris, Provence and Burgundy in April...thinking on a Fall trip and hoping for Seattle and the Oregon Coast.
8. Spend more time with friends...near and far.
9. Get back to horseback riding..I miss it so much.
10 Start taking meditation classes..and doing it regularly.
11. Learn to relax more more.
12. I also need to finish my's almost there but needs some fine tuning...
13 Most importantly, feel and recognize Joy in every day.
14. Try my best to keep up with the lessons I signed up for...because I love it when I'm doing them.
So that is my can't accomplish the lists if your head is in the fog...I'm coming out.
Thanks Kim Klasssen for the texture...KK_45
"When the song of the angels is stilled;
When the stars in the sky are gone;
When the kings and princes are home;
When the shepherds are back with their flocks;
The real work of Christmas begins;
To find the lost and heal the brokenhearted;
To feed the hungry and release the prisoner;
To rebuild the ruins and restore peace;
To Make Music in the Heart...."