Finding The Beauty
Wednesday, August 14, 2013 at 08:43PM
Cheryl Crotty

Some days it's hard to find the beauty in life...I know it's there but life can sometimes bog you down...when that happens I try to find the beauty in my photography...what in my lens, will bring me peace and a bit of lightness, in which to end my day. As I look back over my life..I find my peace has always come from Nature and that is still true today.

I love learning of Still gives me a sense of slowing down and being more creative but Nature is where my heart lives...and so tonight I chose the beautiful water-lily that I shot a few weeks ago...the color speak to me of vibrance and strength...and the green reminds me, once again, that life is full of ups and downs, good days and some not so good...but like the forest we will renew and grow...

Yesterday was texture Tuesday..I'm doing texture Wednesday here...sometimes you just have to make your own here's to a better tomorrow.


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