I Collect....
Monday, May 6, 2013 at 01:24PM
Cheryl Crotty

I collect...interesting isn't it...Oh My God...do I collect..but I'm trying to keep it under control as I start to collect more things..

First off...I could write a daily post on what I collect but I'll break you in slowly...My most favorite thing to collect are books...I love books..can't live without them and everyday I have to read something...and I read anywhere...including the bathroom...I know,  so do you.  Any serious reader does.. That's where I have my magazine time..oh, and my other magazine spot is on the treadmill..honestly it's an expensive hobby unless you hook a few here and there from the Doctor's office or the gym..they really don't care...they don't even pay for them...

Next are my books..I LOVE my books..I always have a book going and I savor the good ones...and I fill the books shelves in both of my houses with all kinds of books...but my favorites are Non-Fiction and really,  really good novels...good novels have good literature..I am not a fan of "what's new on the New York Times best seller list"..usually they are just the most popular and more like a beach read... I also love reading about writing. My favorite author is Charles Dickens and I would need an entire blog page to tell you about my love of his works and the many homes of his that I have visited over the years...I am really thinking of making a book page as part of my blog...

And of course Quote books...I know you can google quotes and poems, but I like to hold my books, mark them up if I love something that is written...save it on my bookshelf, look at them, like some looks at fine china. They make me happy and make my house a home..I've just finished collecting a little series of quote books...you can see them in the photo above..I love them so much I haven't even taken the little tags off them yet..and next to each quote that I use...I write in the book where the quote is and why I chose that quote for that particular photo or note...so I collect books and magazines...the magazines will have to be for another day...I've got some "keepers" to tell you about...

A few other collections that I manage to squeeze in the house are my tea cups, tea stuff, and gifts from friends...I don't throw anything away that someone takes the time to get for me...I collect friends..that is a really great collection and I've learned how to find the very best ones...when I stopped saying "yes" to everyone, just to be liked,  I started being able to see where the beautiful "girls" where...some are from very long ago and some I've picked up along my journey's...Keepers all of them...

So someday I will tell you about some of my other collections...like kids, and grand babies, pets and geriatrics..Cooking and tea parties, and of course my precious photo's..oh my, I am never bored...and did I tell you I collect yarn for all my knitting...I am always amazed when someone tells me that they are Bored...are you kidding me I want to scream...I don't have enough hours in the day to do all I want...I feel like saying..."get a life" before it's to late...but another thing that I've collected over the years is wisdom...wisdom to keep my mouth shut, even when I don't want to and some days the wisdom gets away from me...but those stories are for another day..

I have to go collect the laundry...

"Welcome problems and eat them for Breakfast." Alfred A. Montapert

"Choose life-only that and always and at whatever risk....To let life leak out, to let it wear away by the mere passage of time, to withhold giving and spending it, is to choose nothing."  Sister Helen Kelly


Article originally appeared on CherylCrotty (http://cherylcrotty.squarespace.com/).
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