Buds and Blossoms
Monday, April 29, 2013 at 03:19PM
Cheryl Crotty

B... seems to be the theme right now, at least for me...Birds singing,  bees buzzing and buds and blossoms everywhere the eye can see.  Pink, white, yellow, they all remind me of the beginning of spring that leads us to the road to summer...

Like these beautiful trees..the buds almost feel to me like a healing..When we are experiencing new growth and coming alive again after a long rest...just like the trees...it doesn't happen all at once but when you begin to see that a change is coming in nature,  you start to hold onto a hope that change is coming for you also...I know that's  how I felt this spring...

The winter was long and stressful at times...but it doesn't ever last...that's the good news...I heard the birds before I saw the blooms..my first sign, that we once again, get to watch the miracle of nature, bring us the message that things don't ever stay the same...

It lets us know that the long days of winter are coming to an end..that the sun will feed our souls just as it fed the trees and birds and bees..the colors of spring will bring us joy and surprise,we feel our bones waking up and our minds getting excited again about life on the outside instead of on the inside...pains and worries seem to fade a bit as each day gets a tiny bit longer.

There are so many reasons to trust in the circle of life..just the smell of spring is enough some days to help us remember how precious each day is..how blessed we are in all that we have..how nice it is to wake up after a long winters sleep...Life brings challenges but each spring it  always brings Hope...and the world looks a whole lot better...Go stand on your porch..close your eyes, smell it, feel the warmth, listen for the birds..take a deep breathe....what your experiencing is Spring...enjoy every moment...it's a free gift for all to unwrap.

"Expect to have hope rekindled. Expect your prayers to be answered in wondrous ways. The dry seasons in life do not last. The spring rains will come again."   —Sarah Ban Breathnach 

And Spring arose on the garden fair,
Like the Spirit of Love felt everywhere;
And each flower and herb on Earth's dark breast
rose from the dreams of its wintry rest.  —Percy Bysshe Shelley




Article originally appeared on CherylCrotty (http://cherylcrotty.squarespace.com/).
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